Lydia, a talented individual hailing from Nova Scotia, transitioned her life to the picturesque landscapes of Prince Edward Island. Driven by a profound passion for design and real estate, Lydia pursued and successfully completed courses in international design and decorating, alongside international staging and redesign.
Her fervor for aesthetics is matched only by her commitment to a holistic and healthy lifestyle. Lydia finds joy in activities such as running and fitness, aligning seamlessly with her dedication to maintaining well-being. In addition, she nurtures her creative side through her love for travel, photography, and content creation.
Currently in her third year at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), Lydia is honing her skills and knowledge in her chosen field. Her academic pursuits complement her real-world experience, having dedicated four years to the service industry. This enriching period has not only contributed to her professional growth but has also allowed her to forge connections with people from diverse backgrounds. Lydia thrives on the opportunity to collaborate with individuals from all walks of life, a sentiment that reflects her genuine appreciation for human connection.