Hailing from the charming town of Summerside, PEI, Claudia's early years unfolded in the close-knit community of Tyne Valley. Presently calling the serene Tignish, PEI, home, Claudia's interests extend beyond the town's tranquility. An avid hockey enthusiast, she not only finds solace in the game but also treasures moments shared with family and friends.
The center of Claudia's universe is her delightful two-year-old daughter, Lexus, who brings immeasurable joy to her life. In addition to Lexus, the family is complete with a devoted 4-year-old German Shepherd named Cali, along with two feline companions, Zoro and Larry.
Claudia graduated from high school in 2019 and initially pursued a career as a medical administrative assistant, successfully completing the course in January. However, a change of heart led her down a different professional path. Since May 2023, Claudia has thrived as a Medical Office Assistant (MOA), relishing every moment in this fulfilling role. In the past, she also balanced her schedule with part-time waitressing.
While Claudia primarily serves in west Prince, she extends her expertise with a readiness to assist island-wide. Fluent in French, she effortlessly navigates conversations to enhance communication.
At the age of 22, Claudia shares her life with her partner, Chandler, creating a home filled with love, laughter, and the comforting presence of their cherished pets. Life's unexpected twists have been met with open arms, as Claudia follows her heart to find joy in her chosen path.